"We Are The Best In The World At We Do"

Post Info TOPIC: Ask Maggie!

RE: Ask Maggie!

Mrs. J wrote:

How do i go about asking my boss for a raise? Thanks Maggie and i love the colum.

Mrs. J! Ok, now if my advice actually works for you, you need to let me know, seriously. No, really, tell me. So that way I can take my own advice so I can get a raise toobiggrin. Ok, are you close to your boss by any chance? The reason I'm asking is because it wouldn't be as hard for you, but if you aren't you need to actually sit down and think about what you are going to tell them before hand. Ask for a date and time to meet with them. While actually in his/her office let them know how you feel about the raise. "DO NOT" be afraid to let your mind flow, remember that confidence is the key. Without confidence they probly won't take you seriously. You need to stand up for yourself, let them know how long you have worked there, how hard you have worked, your goals, and how much you really deserve that raise. Maybe they will consider it, and maybe they'll let you know that there will be plenty of opportunities for that raise in the near future. So get up and stand up for yourself, do not let yourself down, you need to really stay confident. It may, or may not happen, but at least you can feel good for at least trying right.



Jimbo wrote:

Maggie i need tips on staying away from sweets. I need to drop a few pounds and i got to avoid the sweets lol.

Jimbo, oh, boy! How did you know that I was a health freak? hehe. Seriously. I know sweets might be everyones best friend, but there comes a time in your life where you just have to let them go. cry They're evil, I tell you. LoL, you can't just let them go completely Jimbo. Let it go little by little. If you completely stop eating sweets it will only make your craving for them greater than what they are now. Eat a low fat diet, and with that diet limit your self with one of those miniture candy bars (perferably 3 musketeers, 1 reeses peanut butter cup, or 1 miniture hershey dark chocolate) for desert or a snack, just to get rid of that craving. It doesn't necessarily have to be a candy bar, if you want some cake or a lil debbie's snack cut it in half or even in thirds and save the rest for a later day. It's hard to kick off sweets but once you limit yourself to a smaller serving of it, it will be easier to let it go a little bit of the craving everyday. You can also substitute your craving for sweets with something else that is sweet but healthy. How about some fruit? There are lots of good tasting fruits out there to kill cravings. I love to eat gala apples because their sweetness. Try melon, apples, pears, peaches, kiwis, bananas, etc. Try eating cereal instead, that's a good substitute, but don't eat like a huge bowl, eat only to satisfy the craving. Jello is also good. Oh and don't forget those nutrigrain bars, yummy. Now I can keep going on and on and on, but I got lots of questions to answer. LoL, but you get the point, just say no. And yes to a healthier lifestyle, remember it's all in your mind you can do it, I believe in you and you need to believe in yourself to actually do it, so good luck and let me know how it goes. Oh, it's also good to maybe keep a journal of your eating so that way you can tell more or less what you need to cut down on. smile



Janice wrote:

Maggie my husband wants a motor cycle i don't think they are safe. How i do tell him i am looking out for his safety when i tell him i don't him buying one.

Janice, you need to tell him how you feel ma. I'm very blunt, I tell Carlos all the time if he even thinks about getting a motorcycle I'm gone! LoL. Seriously, he knows how I feel about them. I personally think they are dangerous. I know, I know cars are dangerous too. I know some of you drive motorcycles, but this is just my opinion. I do not think they are safe at all, any little thing can throw them off balance especially while driving 20-35 miles an hour or more can kill someone. I guess I'm just afraid because everytime I turn on the news I see an accident resulting in death from someone actually riding one. You can be the most safest rider in the whole world, and just with one movement your life can be either destroyed or demolished within one minute. But Janice, if he really has his mind set on getting one I wouldn't stand in his way. Everyone lives once in this lifetime, therefore, I also believe they should live and die happy. Talk to him about how you feel about his safety. Let him know that it bothers you and why it bothers you so much. Discuss the issue and maybe you all can come up with a resolution to this. Maybe he'll think other wise once you let him know how you feel, or maybe he'll get one but not drive it constantly everywhere, and just have it there for show and hobbie purposes. Oh, and don't be afraid to talk about this to him, he needs to know how you feel. If you don't tell him then he'll think that it's supported 100%.



Robert Jaime you are so welcomed. And as for pee-wee and the rest of you I will get to your questions manana hopefully. Have a great day everyone.



Pee-Wee wrote:

Maggie my dog bit my gf, now she wants me to get rid of it. It was not the dog's fault. See it was asleep and my gf stepped on it. It was a rude awakening i guess you can say. I am going to say no i am not getting rid of it. I am making the right call. I love my dog alot.

Pee-Wee, yes you are making the right call. You shouldn't get rid of it just for "one" darn insident. Try stepping on your gf while she's asleep and see if she don't bite. I know I would, LoL. Seriously. Was the bite really bad? Hopefully not, if it wasn't then she is just probly afraid of your dog doing it again but worse. Asure her that it won't happen, and let her know that of course it's going to be the first instinct an animal is going to do upon being disturbed especially while sleeping. For all you know your dog probly thought it was being attacked! I don't think you should get rid of your doggie, but your gf needs to be more careful when walking past it, especially if the room is dark. Tell her to either turn on the lights or just be careful. You can also, possibly move the dog to another room while she stays with you. Maybe she'll feel safer that way. Talk to her and let her know that you aren't going to give your dog up, and if she don't like it oh well, she'll get over it.



Ms. Mendoza wrote:

Maggie, hi just wanted some quick advice. I tell my husband to pay the bills but he instead goes to spend it on dumb stuff. I am very mad what should i go aside from giving him a good kick in the butt.furious

Ms. Mendoza, hello. To bad we don't get return receipts with men huh. lol. I say you kick him a little bit more down yonder. That will knock some sense into him. LoL, please don't do that. You need to tell him to shape up or ship out. Believe it or not that is a very bad habit that can lead to something worse. Imagine being told that your house bill is paid but it isn't, then you lose your house. Or how about utilities being turned off. You need to have a serious talk with him. Let him know that he has plenty of time to buy his dumb stuff, but know is the time to worry about the more important things in life. He needs to act like an adult and not an adolescent. You need to put your foot down woman. And you need to do it know or he will continue doing this. Believe me I've gone through this with one of my siblings ex spouse. That didn't work out to well either. Or you can always pay the bills yourself just to make sure they at least get paid. If you don't have time to actually pay them in person, send a check or money order in the mail. At least that way you know it'll be done.



Maggie, what can i do to help improve my concentration for school? I have tried everything what do you sugest?

Kevin D.


Hi maggie, I borrowed my friends dvd and it got stolen from my car. Should i buy him a new one and never tell him it got stolen , or should i buy him one anyway and tell him what happened? I am affraid if i tell him the truth he won't lend me anything anymore?



LOve the colum



Maggie my co-worker is always trying to make me look bad to my bosses. I thought they were a friend what should i do? Should i get even or confront them?

jesse q.


Maggie hi, i wanted to know how do girls feel about a guy singing for them? I aint the best but i am ok, i want to surprise here with a little song i wrote for her this weekend. I hope it's not to corny



Maggie hey i got invited to a party this weekend but i have company. Can i take them to the party too?



Hi Maggie just stopping by to say hi. Well i am kinda sad cause i have not talked to my cush for a few days. I hope he is still single well if he is not it's his loss i guess right? Anyways hope your good. Talk to you later. Big Huggsmile



Maggie hello hope you are well. OK my problem is that i am going to college soon and don't know what i want to major in. I got a few ideas, how do i narrow it down?



Maggie what are some good ideas for Mother's day gifts?



Wyatt wrote:

Maggie what are some good ideas for Mother's day gifts?

Wyatt, I'm so sorry for not getting back to you soon enough. But if I'm not to late here are some great Ideas. First of all a mother is just plain out happy for having her children there with her. They actually like anything, as long as she knows that she is thought of. Buy her one of her favorite things, jewlery, CD's, DVD's, Clothing, shoes, house things, make-up, plants, flowers, perfume, body spray, picture frames, photo albumns, bake her a cake, she will take anything from just a simple little card letting her know that you care. So don't fret about it, and just get her what comes from the heart. I bought my mother, a pair of sandals, cause she loves them, and I also bought her favorite dvd, The Lake House :) which I will be stealing from her here and there, lol. Well hope I got to you in time, if not I"m so sorry for the lateness.

Henry J.


Maggie, i have this bad tooth ache i need to go to the denist bad, but i have this phobia of needles and stuff. Any adivce on how to about this? Words or encouragement would be great!

Daniel Sanchez


Great work Maggie i love your colum here. Just wanted to ask you how do tell my gf i want a night out with the guys without her thinking anything bad? See we used to party alot when we were younger, so she is afraid i might get myself into some trouble weirdfacewink

Cubs girl


Maggie I love your advice keep it going girl!



Maggie, i am graduating soon, and i am shy about walking the stage. I really don't want to but my parents want to too really bad. Help!!



its your graduation how could u not walk the stage



I am very shy, i have like a phobia or something i guesswink



biggrin I'MMMMM B-A-A-A-C-C-C-K-K-K-K! Well until protest season at work starts up. Anyways, I apologize for the long wait for you all who had questions from about a month ago. I will answer them, but if it's to late for the reply, again I am very sorry. Ok, so I'm back and I have a lot of questions to answer. So I'm ganna try to do a few every day to catch up please be patient and thank you to you all who have been. You are all the greatest :) 



Mary Ann wrote:

Maggie my roomate is a pig and i cant stand her anymore what should i do? I told her already and she just shurgs me off.

Hi Mary Ann, how exactly did you tell her? Hope you didn't just blurt out,"Hey your freakin messy, clean your crap up!" LoL, ok so your not me. You need to let her know nicely and gently how you feel about the issue. Proposing a solution rather than pointing out the problem is likely to get you better results. You need to pin point her worse areas to her, so she can start trying to clean up her act. If you live in a dorm then don't worry about it, more than likely you can just ask to be re-assigned with a different roommate. If not just try what I said and pin point her problem areas for her "nicely" because if you just do it straight up she probly won't listen, just like you told me she shrugged you off. Well, To sum up, the best way to deal with a messy roommate is to avoid getting one in the first place. If you do end up with a pig as a roommate again, discuss cleaning and living rules without making personal attacks. You need to nag your roommate to help out to the best of her ability, and breathe a sigh of relief when your lease is up. (Those last "couple of sentences I actually read somewhere and found it useful) Well hope this helped.



Amor wrote:

Hi Maggie i been reading your colum lately and i really enjoy it. My question is What do u do when u like someone but one of your bestfriends likes him too?

Love! QUICK, GO FOR THE KILL!!!! You know that's what your thinkin. hehe, me too. But, if you want to be a good friend don't go for the kill and talk to your friend about it. Notice that the best way to solve a problem is to talk about it first. Does she know that you like this guy? If not it's ok to let her know. She won't hate you for it, your her best friend. Both of you need to understand that no matter what, no guy should come between best friends. So whether you or her like him there should not be any issues between you all. Now, if one of you actually gets with him first then the other should understand and feel happy for the other and move on. And her comes the other but; but then that will leave the other broken hearted. And you don't want that to happen. Cause It hurts when you have a huge crush on someone and find out he is with someone else, especially some one that is so close to you. So it's your choice to either move on and find another interest or talk to your friend about it and maybe you all can come up with a resolution between you all about this issue.  Remember, like I have said before, you have your whole life ahead of you, live life to the fullest, smile, be happy, be stress free and remember that there are "PLENTY" of fish in the sea :)



Relampago wrote:

Maggie at work i tend to think outloud so sometimes it looks like i am talking to myself. People look at me wierd and it is making me feel stupid. How do i deal?

Lightning, you and me buddy are in the same boat. hehe. No really, I tend to do that a lot at work. I even answer myself, that's even worse. LoL. But then again when you work at a place like mine, then you'd be talking to yourself as well. Heck, I think everyone talks to themselves there. And even If I were the only one that is doing it, I really wouldn't care what other people are thinking about me. And to make things worse than that, LoL, I talk to myself in my car, at the store, in my room, in the parking lot, at restaurants, and probly in my sleep. hehe. And what do i do to the ones who stare, I turn and smile, or I pretend that I"m on blue tooth (which I don't have) :) So here's the moral of all this: You shouldn't worry whether you look weird or not. Because you know that if anyone is anyone they will, have, or do talk to themselves all the darn time. Now, the ones who actually show that they do, in front of people I give credit to. Because they are the one's with the most confidence in themselves. I really wouldn't change nothing about yourself and how you do things. And if you do feel stupid when you do that play it off. I really wouldn't go and stress out over this. If they don't like it shrug it off and go back to work. Hey as long as you get the job done right, what should it matter. don't change for anyone, or anything.



Danny wrote:

Maggie my wife and i had a baby, and my problem is she dresses our son really funny. Almost like a girl. I don't want my son looking weird how can i tell her this, without hurting her feelings?

Danny, congratulations! Just let her know that you don't agree with the out fits. Tell her how you feel "politely" so that way she can know that you feel that way. Believe me if we think that anything is cute we will buy it. LoL. Is it the colors on the clothes maybe that seem to girly? If so you can try to bribe her into buying him more manly colors, like blue, green, orange, red, or yellow. Now if it's the outfits in general try going with her when she shops for him. So that way you can have say-so on what he will be wearing. I wouldn't worry about this though. If he is just a baby, he will grow out of those clothes quickly. Most baby clothes are versitile, to either boy or girl. so that is probly the reason why the clothes look girly. Try buying him outfits on your own, so that way she have to put them on him. I don't think she's ganna be rude and say no thanks to it. But over all don't stress over this, he's just a baby, and like I said sooner or later those outfits will be out of the picture. And if you still feel bothered by this talk to her and let her know how you feel about the issue, she won't get hurt, after all he is your child too.



Cindy C. wrote:

Hey Maggie i have a problem ,okay here it is..... there is this guy that used to like me. so he told me that he liked me but i didnt like him. i told him i didnt and i ended up breaking his heart. he liked me for a few months then we starting ignoring each other for a few months. we got back to friends for a month and a half and now i like him! i dont know if he likes me.  whenever one of my friends ask him when im there if he still does like me he always says no, i am confused. Please help me Maggie

Cindy C, I'm pretty sure he's probly still hanging in there for you. He's probly playing hard to get. Kinda like the situation when you shut him down first. He's probly giving you a taste of your own medicine. Don't worry about it. What you need to do is ask him yourself. Of course he's ganna tell your friend that, because he probly doesn't believe her/him. He's needs to hear it from the source itself, not just by messanger. Now, if all this has happened recently I'm pretty sure his feelings are mutual. If it's been a while, they might have changed. But again you need to get the courage to tell him how you feel yourself. You need to know from him as well, what he thinks of you as of now. So, hopefully I'm not to late, go and tell him A.S.A.P.



Janell wrote:

Hi Maggie I like the colum. Well i hope you can help me. What do you do when you feel lonely because you can't find anyone to love? Basically I have never had a boyfriend and I can't seem to get any guys to like me...what do I do lol.  I dunno---I don't feel like this all the time.  Sometimes I'm really happy with my friends, but sometimes I wish there was someone I could call anytime just to talk besides my best friends I am 17 by the way.

Janell, you are young. Don't worry about it. It will take it's course over time, I promise. Wait a little, have you ever heard the saying "good things come to those who wait" ? You won't be lonely forever. Heck, I wish I can turn back time, because when I was your age, I was very lonely and distraught even with a boyfriend. He wouldn't let me do anything, I had to let go of all my best friends, and myself. I hated it, I wish I could have just lived and had the time of my life as a teenager. I grew up to fast. Why don't you set yourself a goal.

Try window shopping for boys. Look around, find the types that interest you the most, put all the interest together and find that perfect guy. Try finding a chat room in your area, that maybe you can come across someone you know. You can just talk to people and not feel as lonely. Just please don't jump on the first wagon there. Just talk, listen, and learn. And stay away from the pervs. I met my love of my life online. It was actually weird cause I was in a texas chat room where a lot of people from my town were in, and my computer was really really old and kept freezing all the damn time. Well as soon as I got into a chat room everyone from my zipcode were trying to pm me and froze my old computer. It just so happens that the IM box that was above the others on the frozen screen was the guy I'd actually spend the rest of my life with. I wrote down his screen name, restarted my computer and messaged him back. And I'm very happy I did that. Just have faith in yourself, don't just let yourself down because of this lonely feeling. I'm sure your someone is just around the corner waiting for you. Don't give up hope, be happy, and rememeber that patience is the key.



JRob wrote:

Maggie, i am graduating soon, and i am shy about walking the stage. I really don't want to but my parents want to too really bad. Help!!

JRob, I wanted to answer this as soon as possible, knowing that grad day is just around the corner. First of all, Congratulations! Ok, everyone, I don't care who they are, but everyone is nervous to walk the stage. My fear was actually tripping over something and falling in front of people. But you have to realize that you only have the opportunity to do it once in your lifetime. Well unless you graduate from college as well (or maybe you are graduating from college, I don't know) but anyways, your only ganna be on the stage like for 5 seconds, shake some persons hand, hug another, and wah-la, by the time you know it you'll be climbing back down the stairs and another victim is up next. Remember that your back is going to be turned towards the crowd anyways, don't pay attention and just do it. When I graduated from college, I wasn't going to walk the stage, but many of my teachers, and friends convinced me to do it. And again, it was very quick. The longest process is just sitting through the whole ga darn commencement talkers. But really you should do it. You'll regret it if you don't. It's a good experience and it makes you feel accomplised at the end. That's a feeling you don't wanna miss out on. Just rememeber that you aren't the only one out there feeling the feeling of butterflies in you tummy. Everyone is going to be nervous, more worse than others. Hope that helped a bit. :)



Thanks so much Maggie!!!!



Maggie my boyfriend is graduating from High school this weekend what's a good idea for a gift?



Selina wrote:

Maggie my boyfriend is graduating from High school this weekend what's a good idea for a gift?

Hi, Selina. I'm happy to hear that he is graduating. Here's a few ideas,  a watch is always great for guys, you can't go wrong there. Money is another option (a card with like $20 bucks is always good) well that's if you have dinero. Bake him a cake with "IT'S ABOUT TIME!" on there. lol. Hey it's a thought. Another thing I think is cute is a picture frame that holds their tassel and diploma so he can hang it on the wall. A bigger wallet for the cash he'll be making now that he's able to work full time :) heh. That's just a myth. Anyways, another good idea is to make him a CD of all the songs that remind him of his high school years. It's always good to rememeber the good ol' days. I'm trying to be cheap here. Let's see, how about taking him out to dinner and a movie. The rest you don't even want to know cuz a car or so I know isn't in budget!LoL. Hope that helped a lil, I'm sure he'll appreciate anything from a simple little hug and congratulations.

Pacific Girl


Just wanted to comment and say good work. I love the answers you give, and i enjoy reading it everyday.



Maggie i just found out my boyfriend is cheating on me! The problem is i have to stand up with him Saturday at my cousins quincernera and i don't want to now what do i do? I need help please.

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