"We Are The Best In The World At We Do"

Post Info TOPIC: Ask Maggie!

RE: Ask Maggie!

BQ wrote:

Maggie hey how do i solve this problem? My Neighbor is always playing his annoying music really loud at all hours of the night. I have told him about it and he lowers it for a little while, then its back up again. Should i call the cops? I don't like to cause this type of problems but some of us work in the morning.

BQ, you'll never beat them. I think that is the most annoying thing. Yes especially if you have to wake up early in the morning. Honestly, if you tell him once, and he does it again call the police. To hell with him, two can play that game right. But, of course he might think it was you, because you were the one to ask him to lower it. You should let him know that you work in the morning, and that you've told him many times to lower down the volume and if he keeps it up you will call the cops. Or don't even bother with him and just call, blame it on the viejita next door. LoL, just kiddin. Call though, and tell them that you have asked him nicely and he keeps turning it back up and that you can't sleep with the noise. So maybe if they confront him he'll settle down with it. We have those neighbors here too, and there's been times where we had to call in, but they keep doing it, it's like you can't beat them. Just stay calm and don't let him get to you. I know it's hard to sleep with all that racket but honestly it's hard to say that he'll stop so try to focus on resting instead of his crap outside. Oh, and remember what goes around comes around. :)



Da Real Tube Steak wrote:

Hey Maggie thanks for the advice. I guess it's going to be chick flicks this weekend for the tubster. That one with Ice cube or whatever looks funny. That one with Adam brody looks good too. Thanks i will let you know how it goessmile

Tube, let me know how it goes, and if you watch the one with Adam Brody, tell me if it's good, cuz I know I'm not ganna get to watch that until it's out on dvd. LoL.



MUSK RAT wrote:

Maggie hey what is the best place to take a date for the first time? Something fancy? Or something cute like a picnick?

Musk Rat, I think a picnic would be so romantic date.gif. It will show her your soft side, which will make her feel special.  For you to go out of your way to actually plan the picnic and get everthing together shows her how much the date means to you. So that's like a million points for you on that date. Fancy restaurants are nice but they are just too much. Well I guess I think that way cause I'm a simple girl. I try to make the best out of everything. LoL, I was taken to sonic's on one of my first dates with my guy. That's not saying much, cuz the most expensive restaurant that I've been to with him is probly Chic-fil-A. LoL, anyways, it's up to you, but I think she'd love a picnic. Hope all goes well, let me know how it works out. smile



WOLF wrote:

Maggie I have this nagging flu for 2 weeks already! I got a big date on Saturday night any advice to help me prepare for big date?

Wolf, have you tried taking Tylenol FLu. I'm like so serious, when I am sick with a flu or a really bad cold this medicine is the best. It's like $6 though. As for preparing for your big date, I'm not to sure what you mean by that. I guess I'm thinking because you have this flu, how do you go about this date? or just generally how to prepare for a date. So I'm ganna choose the second one. Shower, groom, and get your clothes ready early, you don't want to keep her waithing. Also, just relax, be yourself and be confident. Think of some conversation starters just incase you have one of those intense silent moments. Try making her laugh, and stay interested in you throughout the date.  That's really all I can think of right now, well I hope this helped a bit, and I hope your flu disappears as well. OH, and of course I hope your date goes well.



Cowboy wrote:

Maggie, i need some advice. I was going to my gf's birthday party this weekend but my bestfriend invited me to a Spurs playoff game! If it was any other game i would miss it but it's da Playoffs! What should i do? I really want to go to the game and birthday party's aren't really my thing, but it is my girl so you know, Help me pleasse!!!!!

Cowboy, disbelief.gif unless she's a very understanding girl, you know she's going to be hurt by this. Talk to her before the weekend gets here. Tell her that she mean's alot to you but your in kinda like in a once in a lifetime situation. She'd probly turn around and tell you that she only turns this certain age once also. (Just thinkin from a girls point of view.) Look, she's your girl and yes it looks bad because it falls on her birthday party, but if you really want to go let her know how much it means to you. I know that my guy loves the Cowboys, if we were in that situation, yes I'd be upset, but i'd be ok with it cuz I know these kinda things don't come around often. I would say for you to take her with you, but of course she's haveing a party. But really sit down and talk to her about it, you never know how she will react to this. It could be good, it could be bad, but you won't know until you try. What's the worse that can happen, she says no. Well, she might say yes if you tell her about it before it comes, so hurry and let her know. If you wait to long and to the last minute then it's really ganna hurt her, so get your hiney up and tell her, especially if you want to go so bad.smile



John Q wrote:

Maggie I like a girl from work but she is seeing another co-worker, but i saw him cheating on her with another women. Should i tell her?

John, I personally would. But, there might be conflict in the work place if she reacts badly. Example, you tell her and she tells him, and then you hear it from him. But if she's a good girl, I'd tell her no matter what. No one deserves to be cheated on. No one. I've been there, and it hurts because everyone knows but yourself. And when you find out on your own, you feel very very stupid. Believe me it's not piece of cake. I think you should, no matter what, really. And who knows maybe that will leave an open door for you in the future with her. Hey you never know, things happen for a reason.



Zwinky wrote:

Great colum, how did how did you come up with the idea to help others?

Zwinky, I've always liked to help people. After high school, I wanted to go to college to become a psychologist, or counsler of some type, but since my parents "made" to much money according to the people from financial aid, I couldn't go to the university I wanted to. I only got $300 from them, I couldn't even pay for tuition, I mean I got in and took all my tests, but I didn't get to go. I then went to a 2 year college and got a diff degree there. But anyways, I've been through a lot in my life, a whole lot, and I've seen people depressed and needing to vent, and I'm always there to lend a helping hand. Whether they are strangers or friends. I've also always dreamt of being a writer, so I put two and two together and formed this column. I knew a lot of people have problems and a whole lot of them need to talk about it and don't have anyone to talk to, so here I am. Although I work two full time jobs, I will be here. I love helping people as much as I can. :)



Kelly wrote:

Maggie i ran over my 6yo daughters cat on acident. Should i tell her the truth or lie and say it ran away?confused

Kelly, I'd lie and tell her it ran away. She'd be hurt, but not as hurt as she would be knowing that you ran over it. And if that bothers you, you can always wait for her to grow older and then tell her and about it. But as for right now, go with the "fluffy ran away," skit. She'd believe it, she won't know any better. Good luck and Oh, if you decide to buy her anymore pets, please make sure they aren't under your tire before driving off.  biggrin just kiddin.



ICE MAN wrote:

Maggie i coach 7-10 years olds on a baseball team. Some of the parents are really annoying at games and always yelling instructions to their kids. I am the coach not them. I don't want them getting confused on what to do. Am i in my right to tell the parents something? If so what or how do i tell them?

Ice Man, I love Baseball! Look, any parent will be yelling to their kid on how to do things, that's just the way it is. But I do agree with you. I believe It might confuse the children. Why don't you try having a meeting with the parents and try discussing this situation with them and see how eveything works out. Let them know that all support is welcomed but as for telling the players how to do things, let them know that it is your job. Tell them that it might confuse them from the instructions you give them. Then the game might be thrown because of this. Put you foot down and don't be afraid to speak your mind. Just do it politely and get their thoughts in as well.  And if you don't want to have to face the parents, have a meeting with the team and let them know to only follow instructions from you, cause you know it's not going to stop all the parents from doing it. some are going to have problems with it. I think it's just that they get to into the game, and start yelling anything that comes to mind at that moment. Just like most guys are while watching football on tv, always yellin at the screen as if they are going to listen. Well it's your call, I think you should at least let them know how you feel if it will make you feel better about it. Maybe you all can settle it somehow.  Hey they don't call you Coach for nothing.



conjuntoblondie101 wrote:

Hi maggie, just wanted to say hi. hope your well and keep the colum going it helped me and i am sure it is helping so many other who sometimes just need some direction.biggrin Big Hug to you

Hi Blondie! I'm doing great, hope you are doing well too. Oh, and a big hug to you as well, have a good one.

Robert Jaime


Hi maggie, do girls prefer candy or flowers?



Maggie Hello, I have a date this weekend and he wants to take me fishing. I hate fishing how do i go about telling him in a nice way?

lil diva


Maggie my neighbor borrowed my Sex and The City dvd's and has not given them back. I asked her nicely and nada. I have a key to her house, can i go and get them back?

Da Real Tube Steak


Hi Da Real Maggster haha, hope all is well. Tonight i am going on another date and i will let you know how everything goes. biggrin maybe i can get too second base hehefurious



Hi Maggie How can i get my husband to dance more? I love to dance buy he hardly ever does, advice pleazesmile

Mrs. J


How do i go about asking my boss for a raise? Thanks Maggie and i love the colum.



Maggie i need tips on staying away from sweets. I need to drop a few pounds and i got to avoid the sweets lol.



Maggie my husband wants a motor cycle i don't think they are safe. How i do tell him i am looking out for his safety when i tell him i don't him buying one.



Robert Jaime wrote:

Hi maggie, do girls prefer candy or flowers?

Hello Robert, I actually think we prefer both. Unless for some strange reason that we are allergic to flowers or do not eat candy. Which is rare I might add. I "LOVE" chocolate! I always thought that flowers were just a waste of money honestly, but the thought of it is just so sweet heart.gif. Especially when you're caught by surprise. So I think you'd score with either or. :) Remember it's the thought that counts, she'll love it just cause you actually thought of her.



Sara wrote:

Maggie Hello, I have a date this weekend and he wants to take me fishing. I hate fishing how do i go about telling him in a nice way?

Sara, just let him know exactly how you feel. Tell him that you appreciate the invite but you're not really interested in fishing. Maybe you all can do something else another day. I mean if he were in a situation in which he'd have to be somewhere he doesn't want to be, I'm sure he'd try explaining to you the same thing. Don't be afraid, I'm sure he'd understand. Not all girls like to fish. And if that don't work I'd take some books, magazines, and a cell phone cause I know you're going to be bored. LoL, just let him know your not into that, do it sincerely and i'm sure he'd be ok with it.



lil diva wrote:

Maggie my neighbor borrowed my Sex and The City dvd's and has not given them back. I asked her nicely and nada. I have a key to her house, can i go and get them back?

LiL Diva, unless you want to be put on probation I wouldn't even think about it. LoL. That's unlawful entry and even though you have the key it's just not right. Ask her again about it and tell her that you will wait outside while she gets them. Maybe she forgot about it, which I doubt, but hey you never know. Tell her that you want them back, and if she still doesn't respond to you maybe you should threaten to bring the police into this. It might be a little matter but hey maybe you'll get you dvd's back then, right. 

Da Real Magster!


Da Real Tube Steak wrote:

Hi Da Real Maggster haha, hope all is well. Tonight i am going on another date and i will let you know how everything goes. biggrin maybe i can get too second base hehefurious

popcorn.gif LoL, hope you have a great date! And may you get to second base, and not wake up to only find out it was a dream. LoL, let me know how it goes.



Myra wrote:

Hi Maggie How can i get my husband to dance more? I love to dance buy he hardly ever does, advice pleazesmile

Myra, LoL you're askin the wrong person for that one. I never dance either. Does he even know how to dance? Maybe he doesn't know that much, and is afraid to get embarassed about it. Now I'm not like that, but I don't dance, cause I don't know how to. So maybe you should grab his arm and drag him to the dance floor and show him what you got, then maybe he'd get into to it. Ask him why he doesn't, and let him know how you feel about it. You never know it might be a little thing that's holding him back. Just remember not all people have an interest in dancing. I know this didn't help much, and i'm so sorry but really ask him why he doesn't like to dance that much, and maybe when you find your answer you can then work something out with him. :)

Robert Jaime


Thanks Maggie



Maggie my dog bit my gf, now she wants me to get rid of it. It was not the dog's fault. See it was asleep and my gf stepped on it. It was a rude awakening i guess you can say. I am going to say no i am not getting rid of it. I am making the right call. I love my dog alot.

Ms. Mendoza


Maggie, hi just wanted some quick advice. I tell my husband to pay the bills but he instead goes to spend it on dumb stuff. I am very mad what should i go aside from giving him a good kick in the butt.furious

Mary Ann


Maggie my roomate is a pig and i cant stand her anymore what should i do? I told her already and she just shurgs me off.



Hi Maggie i been reading your colum lately and i really enjoy it. My question is What do u do when u like someone but one of your bestfriends likes him too?



Maggie at work i tend to think outloud so sometimes it looks like i am talking to myself. People look at me wierd and it is making me feel stupid. How do i deal?



Maggie my wife and i had a baby, and my problem is she dresses our son really funny. Almost like a girl. I don't want my son looking weird how can i tell her this, without hurting her feelings?

Cindy C.


Hey Maggie i have a problem ,okay here it is..... there is this guy that used to like me. so he told me that he liked me but i didnt like him. i told him i didnt and i ended up breaking his heart. he liked me for a few months then we starting ignoring each other for a few months. we got back to friends for a month and a half and now i like him! i dont know if he likes me.  whenever one of my friends ask him when im there if he still does like me he always says no, i am confused. Please help me Maggie



When I started reading (gotta catch up fast cuz i am behind w/the times lately) i was laughing.gif at first, but damn girl, you [Maggie] give good advice just my twocents.gif. I'm still reading....



Hi Maggie I like the colum. Well i hope you can help me. What do you do when you feel lonely because you can't find anyone to love? Basically I have never had a boyfriend and I can't seem to get any guys to like me...what do I do lol.  I dunno---I don't feel like this all the time.  Sometimes I'm really happy with my friends, but sometimes I wish there was someone I could call anytime just to talk besides my best friends I am 17 by the way.



Maggie my Bestfriend is always staring at my girlfriend. It is starting to really piss me off. How should i tell him i don't aprove of his actions toward my woman?



Maggie i help me i need more willpower i hope to stop smoking, any tips on how to control my urges?? Please help i need to stop smoking cause of health purposes.

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