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Post Info TOPIC: Ask Maggie!
Carlos & Maggie

Ask Maggie!

So we decided to do someting different. Let's see how this works out. Anyone who wants anwsers to anything ask Maggie. Simple questions to advice, ask Maggie. We'll pick one or two to answer on our show, so if you need advice you can get it here.



 Maggie My best friend wants to be a singer and she is really bad.  I 'm afraid that she is just going to embarrass herself in public. Should I tell her? Should i just keep quiet? What should i do?




My ex-husbands father, my former father-in-law just called. He just asked me out on a date. He is single and good looking.  What should I do? Should I tell my ex-husband and father of my two children? Or should i go on a date with him and take it from there?



 Dear Maggie My sister is coming for her annual visit next month with her three children. She has taken up smoking in a misguided attempt to lose weight. We dont allow smoking in our house. What should we do?






Da Real Tube Steak


Hey maggie i am going to go on a date this weekend with this hot girl, should i use some Axe Body spray or go old school with some Old Spice. Let me know what you think.biggrinconfused



Hottie wrote:

 Maggie My best friend wants to be a singer and she is really bad.  I 'm afraid that she is just going to embarrass herself in public. Should I tell her? Should i just keep quiet? What should i do?


Hottie, I know it's a dream for most people to become a singer or actor of some sort, but for most (about 90% more or less, that's all it is, just a dream). I know most people would keep to themselves about this issue, but if she is really bad I'd let her know.  And if she takes it the wrong way, just explain to her that there may be plenty of things that she is good at, but singing isn't one of them. Maybe she can take up something else, or maybe if she really wants to sing, she can take singing lessons before actually going out to perform somewhere.  Remind her that being on stage in front of a lot of people isn't that easy, especially if she can't sing. Who know's what would happen.  Then again, I've heard pretty bad singers out there, but to others they are great. So it's really in the ear of the listener. I still say you should let her know how you feel about her singing though. I know I like to hear what people have to say, only because it helps makes me a stronger person.  Heck when I sing I hear it all the time, "What the hell was that!", "Is a cat dying?!" But does it hurt me? No, I laugh and sing louder. lol.



Darla wrote:

My ex-husbands father, my former father-in-law just called. He just asked me out on a date. He is single and good looking.  What should I do? Should I tell my ex-husband and father of my two children? Or should i go on a date with him and take it from there?

Darla, Darla, Darla weirdfaceHe better be lookin like Brad Pitt to be wanting to go out with him. No, but honestly I don't think it's a good idea to either tell your ex or date your ex in-law. Why? you may ask, well number 1, you don't want your ex to have any problems with his own father, two it just doesn't look right, and the third yet most important one of all your children. If they are young, you don't want to confuse them to where they know who their father is and who their grandfather is but yet their grandfather is also their step father (that's just a look into the future, I'm not saying that's going to happen), so on so forth kinda like a tongue twister eh. Also If your children are older it might get them to be teased or the talk around school. So Darla, it's safe to say to get out of that circle because there are "plenty" of fish in the sea. Hey, you never know, maybe your Brad Pitt is out there waitin for ya.

Da Real Tube Steak


Heck ya i see your answering the questions i can't wait till you get to mine, i need all the help i can get with the females even though i am a stud muffin hehebiggrinbiggrinbiggrin



EE wrote:

 Dear Maggie My sister is coming for her annual visit next month with her three children. She has taken up smoking in a misguided attempt to lose weight. We dont allow smoking in our house. What should we do?

EE, Buy one of those gi-normous "NO SMOKING" signs that light up and put it in her room. hehe. No but really, smoking is a bad habit that people pick up that is very hard to let go. I can't stand the smell of cigarettes, I guess because I grew up in a small house with my father smoking 24-7. It took him many, many years and cancer to finally kick the habit. I think you should talk to her about it. Let her know about the no smoking in your house. Tell her if she wants to smoke to do it outside or somewhere away from the house. I mean it's only respectful, your house, your rules.  Also converse with her on how smoking will not just make the weight go away. It will also bring health issues in the future. And that's not a myth. Tell her that there are many ways to lose weight and be healthy. All she has to do is eat right and exercise moderatly and wa-la I guarantee she'll shed the pounds. It takes time, and there are no miracle drugs to help you lose weight. The ones that work hard for it always get to their goals, the ones that take short cuts get stuck with Consequences. So I advise you to get a move on it and talk to her about it all, before she goes over. It'll make you feel better about the issue, and probly help her think twice about smoking. :)

Da Real Tube Steak


Maggie if you do say AXE what kind? There is like a zillion, which one is good? I don't want to show up at my date smelling like carne quesada you knowfurious



Da Real Tube Steak wrote:

Hey maggie i am going to go on a date this weekend with this hot girl, should i use some Axe Body spray or go old school with some Old Spice. Let me know what you think.biggrinconfused

Tube Steak! Hey there stud muffin biggrin hehe. Thought I'd forget about you. Ok, ok, I'm an old fashion kinda gal and Old Spice sounds nice. "BUT," if you're going on a date with a hottie and have something up your sleeve I would definatly go with the Axe Body Spray for sure. Please choose carefully though, cause lol, there were a few sprays I thought smelled like a nursing home, so I'd stick to Clix or Essence.

Da Real Tube Steak


Got you, hell i am going to be smokin' hot this weekend the women they love Da Steak, i will think of some more questions for manana so be ready. I am off to go buy some AXE heck i am buying both of them suckasbiggrin



LoL, K Tubey. I'll be waitin for your question manana. P.S. have fun on your date. Oh, and don't put on the whole can either, you want to smell good, not suffocate them. lol.

April May


Maggie Help,I am a liar. I lie about big things and small things and everything in between. Sometimes I even think i believe myself as I listen to the lies that come out . It seems to be a  very bad habit. I want to stop right now, any advice on what i can do? I hope you can help. I liked the advice you gave the other people on here. Thanks I look forward to hearing from you.

Miss Liz


Hi Maggie my neighbor has 3 girls ages 14, 12, and 11 who are picking on smaller kids. Last month for 4 days in a row, they kicked, punched, and gave  my 11-year old son a wedgie. I yelled at the girls. They went home and told their dad that I hit them. He called and asked me about it. I said no. He said ugly things about my child and I, and said he would call the sheirff and have me arrested for beating his kids. Well he didnt call the sheriff, but he has told the entire neighborhood that I hit his girls, becuase i was a voilent drunk. What should I do? Please helpcry



Maggie i love this new feature, it's very interesting. I got a problem i will post about tommorrow. Look forward to your advice.



Dear maggie i have kind of a stupid question, but here i go.Ive tried to flirt with boys but I'm very shy. What can i do to be more confident? I really want a bf and am trying to get over my shyness. Hope you can help. 16 year old fan of your show here i Love the music.







I went on a first date with a girl, and the following day she was injured in a car accident. Would it be ok to visit her in the hospital even though we just meet? I don't want to seem weird. Thanks Maggie for the advice.



Maggie thank you so much for the advice. I am going to do what you said. I will let you know how things workout. Thank you once again.



April May wrote:

Maggie Help,I am a liar. I lie about big things and small things and everything in between. Sometimes I even think i believe myself as I listen to the lies that come out . It seems to be a  very bad habit. I want to stop right now, any advice on what i can do? I hope you can help. I liked the advice you gave the other people on here. Thanks I look forward to hearing from you.

April May, so are you lying about being a liar? just kidding. Anyways, do you feel insecure about yourself in any way? Most people that lie big times are afraid of what people may think of them and lie just to feel more confident about themselves. Now if you do it like 24-7 have you ever thought that you may have a kind of psychological problem cause of this? Because compulsive lying is a form of mental illness. I know that sounds bad, but it's not so bad. I've actually had to live with a form of that myself for the past 3 years. Except I suffer from anxiety/panic attacks from time to time. Compulsive lying is what I think, is a form of an obsessive compulsive disorder. What exactly is OCD? Well it's a type of disorder that makes an individual trapped in a pattern of repetitive thoughts and behaviors, and in your case lying, that are senseless and distressing but extremely difficult to overcome.  Now I'm not telling you that you have this because I don't really know how severe this is, but if it's really a really really bad habit you can't kick maybe you should try professional help for this. But before you even think about what I just told you, why don't you just try to think harder before speaking. Think more positive about yourself and your surroundings. Don't be afraid to speak what "really" is on your mind, and maybe the lying will settle down a bit. Never be afraid of what people think of you, because they may be thinking the same thing, but about you. Just be lose, confident, and let your mind flow. You can stop if you wanted, it's all a mind game. Believe me it's hard I know but if you really want it you just have to believe in yourself. I've actually had to battle panic attacks for a straight year, until I won and tamed it down. How did I do it? I took my mind off of it, and just lived life. Which you should try doing, live, laugh, love and don't worry what others think and maybe just maybe it will help you get through your lying and into regular thoughts. I hope this wasn't to confusing. aww



Miss Liz wrote:

Hi Maggie my neighbor has 3 girls ages 14, 12, and 11 who are picking on smaller kids. Last month for 4 days in a row, they kicked, punched, and gave  my 11-year old son a wedgie. I yelled at the girls. They went home and told their dad that I hit them. He called and asked me about it. I said no. He said ugly things about my child and I, and said he would call the sheirff and have me arrested for beating his kids. Well he didnt call the sheriff, but he has told the entire neighborhood that I hit his girls, becuase i was a voilent drunk. What should I do? Please helpcry

Liz, one word for you. COWARD! That's what he is. He's afraid to admit that his children did wrong. Which a lot of parents do. He sounds like a hard headed person, that makes himself sound like the good guy all the time. But, I guess since he wasn't there and took the girls word for it, he was just defending them. Which I don't think is right all the time. I think he should have talked to you before jumping to conclusions. And if this happens again, I would keep a diary of this to document it, call the police yourself and make a report of some kind so they can document it also, so just incase your neighbor calls them you already have a record for him there. Now for him talking about your son in such a manner and to be telling the neighbors all those nasty things about you was very wrong of him. It's like he's in middle school spreding all that stuff. Anyways, don't pay any attention to him or them. If he sees that you are bothered by this he will think that he is winning. Don't let him win. Ignore it, and show them you are strong. Also let your son know that he did nothing wrong just incase this is bothering him, comfort him. And when your son is outside why don't you be out there with him. Now I don't have any children but I know I would be terribly bothered by this. I'd actually try to get even, hehe, well in my mind I would, but in all reality I'd probly try to get him to actually listen to you, and discuss this situation like adults to where both of you can settle this without any complications between anyone.  And if he refuses to talk to you "SCREW HIM!" You don't need people like that in your life or in your son's. Now for the girls, It's just a phase "some kids" go through. I actually blame it on the parents at times for not having enough discipline on their children. I've noticed a lot of children now a days that are really bad so so young. I really don't know if I helped you in anyway, probly not, but just keep this in mind "Karma is a B---h!" What goes around comes around, and I can guarantee you he will get his share one day. At least you know your son will grow up to be successful while the other neighbor kids may have trouble if they don't shape up. And remember it's good to have one loser than two.



Valleygirl wrote:

Dear maggie i have kind of a stupid question, but here i go.Ive tried to flirt with boys but I'm very shy. What can i do to be more confident? I really want a bf and am trying to get over my shyness. Hope you can help. 16 year old fan of your show here i Love the music.

Valleygirl, there is no such thing as a stupid question. Well to me at least, :).  What you need to do is take a speech class, i'll tell you that's what helped me open up. LoL. Just kidding. Boy how I would love to be 16 again. You need to believe in yourself sweetie. Try to converse with them, and kicking in some of those subliminal messages would help a lot too. hehe. Remeber you are only 16 you have your whole life ahead of you, so don't get upset if you can't get that special crush. This is what I always did. (Carlos don't read this! LoL) I was the shy type as well, but when I started getting very interested in dating someone I'd always converse with them with that occasional giggle, push, and shove. How corney was that. I'd always make them believe I was paying attention to them and laugh at everything they said. Now that was just flirting part, the first boyfriend was a disaster.LoL, the main point is to be yourself, and if they can't handle that, then they don't deserve you.  Please, don't ever try to be someone that you aren't. Your shyness will disappear over time, if you just open up little by little. I hope I'm helping at least a little, but before I go I'm going to post something I found on the internet for you to read, and maybe it will help you by letting you know how to act when you are around boys.


  1. Be calm, confident and be yourself!
  2. Talk and joke around, but don't try too hard to get his attention.
  3. Never wear clothes that make you look like you're trying too hard.
  4. Don't be annoying or obnoxious, most guys won't like it even if you think you are being cute.
  5. Smile a lot, and be extra friendly.
  6. Be sure that you don't play and flip your hair, because then you look insecure.
  7. Laugh with him not at him.


  • Never interrupt if he's hanging out with his friends (or playing a contact sport).
  • Treat him and yourself with respect.
  • Compliment him. He will get a mini ego-boost. It won't look obvious that you like him, and he will love you for it!
  • Smile often and laugh at his jokes.
  • Look at the guy you like just enough so he knows you're flirting. Try and make eye contact, especially while smiling.
  • Try to relax and have fun! If you're having fun, you'll be yourself without worrying about anything negative!
  • Make a joke or be silly. Try to lighten up the air. Smile at him if he reacts.
  • Most important of all don't suffocate him. Give him some space.
  • Be yourself! Many guys hate it when girls try to change just to impress them.
  • Be calm and be mature
  • If you like him give him some subtle hints using words like if you were describing spain say " I LOVE spain it's so WONDERFUL and HOT.


  • Don't ever stereotype guys and assume them to be all the same; just like girls, each guy is different. So if something worked for one guy, don't assume it will work for them all.
  • Never go too fast, but don't move too slow either. If you're too fast it'll scare him, however if you go too slow, he can easily get away.
  • Don't say anything mean to him you think is a joke.
  • Don't play hard to get. Guys often don't understand or appreciate the game, so you will only confuse him.
  • Do not act like a drama queen around him. Most do not like that, and will eventually lose interest in you because he'll start to think you're annoying.
  • Try not to stare at him 24/7.
  • Whatever you do, do what *you* truly want to be or do, not what you think HE wants you to be or do. It's true with your girlfriends, too. You'll feel much better in the long run.
  • Don't flirt obnoxiously
  • Be nice to EVERYONE
  • Don't be to clingy
  • Dont ditch your friends. Guys like girls who are loyal and he will be happy your not living in his pocket.



Hero wrote:

I went on a first date with a girl, and the following day she was injured in a car accident. Would it be ok to visit her in the hospital even though we just meet? I don't want to seem weird. Thanks Maggie for the advice.

Hero, I'm sorry to hear that, and of course it would be ok. That's not weird at all. It would probly make her feel good to know that you were thinking about her. I think that it's very kind and sweet of you to visit her. Take her some flowers and a get well card, I'm sure she would love seeing you there even though you don't know her that well. It will show her that you care, and probly help build a relationship between you two, whether it be friendship or serious. So I say definately go see her, she needs company in a time like that. :)



Hottie wrote:

Maggie thank you so much for the advice. I am going to do what you said. I will let you know how things workout. Thank you once again.

Your welcome aww



Maggie thank you so much! I plan to put your advice to work.  Thank Thank Thank you.

Da Real Tube Steak


biggrinMaggie i bought myself both the AXES you recommened and you are right they smell great. I will let you know how the date does. Muchos Thanks from the Steakmiester



Maggie I dated this guy for about six months;I really started to fall for him he was just so wonderful. Then he dumped me to go out with my best friend(Some Best friend). They are still together and she is trying to be my Best friend again. What should i do? I kiss her but what she did was so wrong. Help me please.



Opps i meant to say I MISS her not kiss her lol sorry



Maggie thanks and i know your right. He is not no Brad Pitt trust me lol. He is like an older John Travoltta LOL. I am just going to tell him to stop asking me out. I am glad you could open my eyes. Thanks



Maggie The people I hang out with are starting to do drugs. I am freaking. I am so afraid of that stuff. I dont know what to do. Should i just stop hangingout with them? Or should i hang with them but just say no? I could really use some advice.



Hey Maggie, Do you think it's stupid to be in love with a person over the Internet?

Da Real Tube Steak


Maggie i like to dress in Very tight Wranglers, should i wear that this weekend for the date if the girl is a preppy girl? Or Should I just go to THe Gap and get something? Some girls ain't into the whole Brokeback Cowboy thing you know?

April May


Thanks Maggie I am going to try what you said. Your great

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